The Therapy Center at BGSP is committed to reducing the transmission of COVID-19 on the premises, in the interest of everyone’s health and safety. For that reason, we have implemented the following COVID-19 policies.
Masks are optional in the public areas of the facilities with some exceptions:
- Individual therapists may require masks in treatment rooms. Please ask your therapist if you have questions.
- Wear a mask if you have symptoms that are potentially a COVID-19 infection, but you are testing negative.
- People recovering from COVID are required to mask. If you have tested positive for COVID, completed your isolation, tested negative on an antigen test, and returned to the Therapy Center before Day 10 after your positive test, you are required to wear a mask through Day 10 after your positive test.
- Close contacts wear masks through Day 10. If you have been exposed to COVID, you are required to wear a mask through Day 10 after your exposure, even if you test negative.
Testing Positive
If you are sick with, or have tested positive for COVID-19, notify your therapist and request a telehealth session or a rescheduled appointment. Do not return to the Therapy Center until after:
- At least 7 days since symptoms first appeared (if any) and
- At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and
- Symptoms have improved and
- You test negative with an antigen test (such as an at-home test).
- Even after symptoms have improved, continue to wear a mask around others, including in your therapy sessions, through Day 10, even if you test negative.
- If you have recently had an appointment at the Therapy Center and discover you may have had COVID-19 at the time of the appointment, please notify your therapist right away.
Close Contacts
If you have come into close contact with someone with COVID-19 within the last 10 days, take a COVID-10 test before your appointment. If you test negative you are welcome to continue with your appointment so long as you remain masked at all times during your appointment and in the public spaces in the building.
“Close contact” is defined as being within 6 feet of someone who is COVID-19 positive for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.
Air Filtration
The Therapy Center has upgraded its ventilation systems and provides HEPA filters for additional protection and air circulation in all therapy rooms, offices, and reception areas.
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